-Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water daily
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
-Exercise everyday
Limit your fat and sugar intake
-Cut on your rice, bread and white flour intake
Keep to your ideal weight
-Eat a lot of fiber
Have a good stress management
Do not Smoke
Now there is an easier way to
keep you healthy everyday!!!.
"It is hard to imagine that there is an alternative food
which is more natural and healthier compared to colostrums"
excerpts from The National Institute of Nutrition Research, USA
The Nutrients available in Alpha Lipid LifeLine
Vitamin A Good for your eyes. | Vitamin B12 Increase blood, suitable for pregnant mothers. | ||
Vitamin B6 For the nerve system, stiff hands and legs. | Vitamin B1 Helps enhance the functions of B12 and B6. | ||
Vitamin B2 Helps enhance the functions of B12 and B6. | Vitamin B3 Helps enhance the functions of B12 and B6. | ||
Vitamin C For your skin health, suitable for those with skin problems. | Vitamin D For better calcium absorption, without vitamin D the calcium you take will go as waste. | ||
Vitamin E Essential for the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It restores blood flow, is important for tissue recovery. It ensures normal blood clots and enhances healing as well as reduces scars. |
Folic Acid Helps in the formation of new red blood cells. | Magnesium Helps to enhance the fuctions of our nerve system and regular heartbeats. | ||
Iron Essential for the body's immunity functions. Lack of iron will result to the body's susceptibility to illnesses. | Sodium Helps to stabilize your blood pressure and nerve system. | ||
Calsium Reduces osteoporosis effects which start at 35 and especially for women undergoing menapaus. Helps to reduce stress. | Potassium Works together with sodium to increase the development of cells and muscles. |
Total Immunoglobulin
IgA Also known as mucus antibody, works to prevent bacteria from infecting our organ. Also helps to produce enough protein for our body. | IgM This antibody is produced by cell-B and found in our bones, intestines, lungs and works to activate the production of red blood cells. It helps to neutralize the toxins caused by bacteria in our body. | ||
IgE It functions as peroxide. It protects membrane cells, prevents the growth of harmful cells which lead to diseases, strengthens bones, nerve system and the brain. | IgG It is the highest composition in the antibody. Helps to activate white blood cells to fight against bacteria especially E-coli. | ||
IgD Provides heat, enhances calsium absorption and distribution to the bones. | IgFI & IgFII Igf stimulates skin renewal. Ensures skin's elasticity and fights against fungus, bacteria, virus and pathogen. |
Extra Ingredients
Complex Lipid (patented - Unique)
According to research without Lipid Complex,
the absorption of colostrums only works up to 20%,
the rest of the 80% will be flushed out and vice versa.
Its probiotic nutrients is equivalent to the ones in Yakult.
Enhances the functions of probiotics.
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